Market Feasibility & Entry Studies
The United States is the world’s largest economy, with an annual GDP of more than $14 trillion. Entering this market can be very advantageous. Our Market Research reports are tailor-made for each customer and range from competitor analysis studies to market feasibility studies to market entry studies. Please find below information that could be included in you research report:
Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)
Each industry has it’s own rules and regulations. Many of these rules are incorporated in the US law and described in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Government agencies like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), CPS (Consumer Product Safty Commision), DOT (Department of Transportation), USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) etc., are responsible to enforce the regulations. Our market research can include all this valuable market information.
Import Regulations & Duties
Each product entering the United States is subject to import regulations and duties. Most duties, quotas and regulations are described in the Harmonized Tarif Schedule (HTS). Each product needs to be catogorized with an HTS code. If a code clasification is unclear, a binding ruling can be requested before you ship your products to the United States. Other important rules are mandated. For example, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (also known as CBP). During the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Border Patrol, along with the INS inspection division, the U.S. Customs inspection division, and the Department of Agriculture’s plant and animal inspection service, were merged into a new agency called U.S. Customs and Border Protection, also known as CBP. Many new rules are being introduced and companies need to comply with these new regulations.
Competition and Distribution information
Our market research report can include information regarding your mayor competitors, as well as how and where their products are being distributed in the US. If requested by your company, we can purchase competing products and review the products, instruction manuals etc. and forward this to your company together with a comprehensive competitor analysis. This includes extensive company information and detailed product describtions.